Sunday, July 5, 2009

Tic-Tac-Toe Update

I have just released an update to my Tic-Tac-Toe game for the Android OS. It changes the way the game preferences are stored & displayed to the user. I threw out all my custome code and fell in line with the proper way of using the android.preference classes. I also re-architected it so I can add AI and hopefully remote multiplayer capability. This version includes a very simple AI that chooses a random board location without giving any thought to it. The next version will have more complex AI's.

You can find out more about this app here:

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

aReader Launch

I have just launched my first paid application for the android OS. It is an eBook reader titled 'aReader'. It is capable of reading books stored in the PDB, or Palm Database, format only. I created it to help a friend who had a large collection of books in the PDB format but had no way to read them on his new G1 Phone. This was a very good learning experience as it required me to dig deep into the PDB format and understand the LRE compression algorithm. You can read more about aReader at